Tillman Braniff is now on Rio Grande!
We appreciate the people who come to us for help with their legal needs, and encourage them to get to know us. In that spirit, take this as an invitation to come say hello and see the new place!
Our office has relocated to downtown Austin, in the area nestled between the court buildings, the University of Texas, and the ACC Rio Grande campus (known to some as the old original Austin High School). There is also a moontower over there, but that’s a better Austin story for another post. We’ve settled into a freestanding grey WWII era house with a slightly rusted tin roof. It has three offices, two of which are full (more on that later…) and shining hardwood floors. We’re anxious to invite all clients/friends/peers to drop by, see the new place, and get to know your Austin Criminal Defense Lawyers. Whether you need a criminal lawyer, DWI lawyer, sex crime lawyer, or white collar lawyer, we’re here to help!